粤侨新活力,喜迎二十大 ‖《粤菜师傅·四海同享》带你走进《广味侨香》

时间: 2022-09-29 14:52:49 来源: 广东省侨办、广东国际频道
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  A bowl of Xiguan Wonton Noodles always touches the softest part within the hearts of Cantonese people.  图片


  A bite of Majie's dish conveys the tenacity and strength of women.  图片


  A spoonful of Swamp Eel Rice relieves homesickness and showcases the Chinese traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation.  图片


  To carry out the campaign of "Guangdong Overseas Chinese Release New Vitality and Welcome the 20th National Congress of CPC", the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province and Guangdong Radio and Television jointly produced a series of feature films entitled "The Cantonese Cuisine Enjoyed All Over the World ".


  Guangfu cuisine is one of the three major branches of Cantonese cuisine. By displaying the preparation of raw materials, production process and traditional techniques, the first episode “Guangfu Cuisine” vividly presents to all food lovers the authentic Guangfu cuisine, which is known as “light but not bland, savoury but not strong-flavored, fresh-tasting but fully cooked, and rich but not greasy”.


  The aroma of wonton noodles wafts to Malaysia, where Cheong Kam Wan, the third generation owner of Cheong Yik Kee Wonton Noodles, takes over the noodle spoons from his ancestors and renews the vigor of the local town in Malaysia every morning.  图片


  Inspired by the self-respect and self-reliance of “Shunde Majie”, a Cantonese chef, Ouyang Jinghua, combines fresh ingredients from abroad with local cooking techniques to create a more flavorful Shunde Majie Cuisine. 图片


  From home to abroad, even with different backgrounds and customs, Peng Rihua and Peng Tingji, the father and son, have successfully adapted the Taishan Swamp Eel Rice to impress diners from all over the world with its unique fresh taste.  图片


  With deep love for hometown, the hospitable Guangfu people abroad reproduce the inclusive Guangfu cuisine by making full use of the foreign ingredients and Chinese cooking techniques. Such integrated development of Guangfu cuisine makes the exchanges of food cultures more pleasant and heart-warming.  图片