粤侨新活力,喜迎二十大 ‖《粤菜师傅·四海同享》带你走进《客味天下》

时间: 2022-09-29 15:00:46 来源: 广东省侨办、广东国际频道
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  A piece of Hakka Stuffed Tofu evokes people’s nostalgia for hometown which is seldom spoken out.  图片


  A bowl of Hakka Mother Wine Chicken arouses people’s homesickness buried deep in their hearts.  图片


  A bowl of Meizhou-style Lard Oil Noodles recalls people’s memories of the hometown.  图片


  To carry out the campaign of "Guangdong Overseas Chinese Release New Vitality and Welcome the 20th National Congress of CPC", the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province and Guangdong Radio and Television jointly produced a series of feature films entitled "The Cantonese Cuisine Enjoyed All Over the World ".


  The third episode "Hakka Cuisine" shows how the Hakka people and Hakka cuisine create an unforgettable food culture with their great adaptability developed by adhering to the traditional cooking skills of their ancestral homeland while accommodating to the customs of the places they have moved to.


  Hou Weijun, an oversea Chinese in Mauritius, innovates a new flavor of stuffed tofu by adding in fresh marine fish from Mauritius , which is in line with the Hakka culture of “stuffing”, meaning inclusiveness, tolerance and openness. 图片


  Li Jufang, a Hakka escendant in Thailand who loves Mother Wine Chicken, brings the delicacy to Thailand to express her deep love for the homeland and share with other overseas Chinese to relive their homesickness.  图片


  Haunted by homesickness and inspired by Zheng Youhuan’s constant pursuit of tasty Hakka Lard Oil Noodles, Zhu Hao, born in 1980s, utilizes modern technologies while keeping the natural flavor of the Lard Oil Noodles, to popularize the authentic Hakka cuisine in Southeast Asia.  图片


  The philosophy of the generous and wise Hakka people, which values harmony, follows the laws of nature and a healthy diet, has long been an attractive calling card for the world to learn more about traditional Chinese culture.  图片